Original Fare - PBS Food
Women Makers

Women Makers

You know the saying: A woman’s place is in the … distillery. From whiskey to fishmongering to chemical engineering, Kelly visits a trio of women in Asheville, NC who are closing the door on outdated colloquialisms and blazing a new path in what were once the sole domains of men. Continue

Thanksgiving Special: The Life of a Turkey

Kelly visits an organic turkey farm to see how they raise their turkeys to live more humanely and happily — long before they make it to the Thanksgiving dinner table. Continue

Going Home

Kelly returns to her roots: a tiny farm town of 200 in Missouri. Continue

Hawaii Heritage

Hawaii Heritage

Kelly gets wet and muddy by foraging, spearfishing and net throwing to learn about Hawaii’s food heritage. Continue

Season 3, Episode 4: Light of Hope

Food can provide more than just physical strength — it can build confidence, hope and community. Kelly visits Light of Hope, a school for rescued girls near Nairobi, Kenya. She gets a lesson in chapati, a traditional Kenyan flatbread, and sees first-hand how the school is building a community of strong, smart, confident women. Continue

Season 3, Episode 3: Addiction

Kelly expects a lesson in bread, but learns much more about second chances. Continue

Season 3, Episode 2: Childhood (And the Search for Puerto Rico’s Lost Pepper)

Take a journey to reconnect with food and solve the mystery of Puerto Rico’s lost pepper. Continue

Season 3, Episode 1: The Insides

Kelly explores what it means to be a responsible meat eater. Continue

Original Fare Holiday Special

Original Fare Holiday Special

Chef Frédéric Zahm of Louche Restaurant in Turin, Italy demonstrates how to make Brasatio, a classic Italian of beef braised in red wine. Continue

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