Changing Season: On the Masumoto Family Farm | PBS Food

Changing Season

Changing Season: On the Masumoto Family Farm

Changing Season

Premiered in May 2016 on your local PBS stations

"How many harvests do you have in you?" is the perennial echo that reverberates across the Masumoto Family peach farm. Changing Season chronicles a transitional year-in-the-life of famed farmer, slow food advocate, and sansei, David "Mas" Masumoto, and his compelling relationship with daughter Nikiko, who returns to the family farm with the intention of stepping into her father's work boots. Mas' hopes and hesitations for the future are shored up with his daughter's return, as the family must navigate the implications of Mas' 60th birthday and triple bypass surgery. The film is interspliced with moments of Nikiko's razor sharp meditations on her family's internment during WWII and her role as a queer, progressive farmer in the Central Valley.

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