Molten Chocolate Soufflé | ChefSteps | PBS Food

Molten Chocolate Soufflé

ChefSteps is here to make you a better cook. We don’t tell you how to sharpen your knife or make macarons from scratch, we show you. Whether you’re a home cook, a professional chef, or just love watching cooks work, we can help you cook smarter.

This dark chocolate soufflé has a delicious molten center, and a light, springy exterior—pure chocolatey decadence from the inside out. When we developed the recipe, we added as much chocolate as we possibly could with each iteration, until we landed on the perfect formula. We hydrate the starches by cooking them in hot milk, yielding a stable soufflé with a small bubble structure and an incredibly soft interior.


The best part is, this recipe requires no special tools or skills. Soufflés have a reputation for being particularly finicky, but we think ours is pretty much foolproof. Serve yours with a dusting of powdered sugar and crème anglaise for a sexy dinner party, or just whip up a batch on a weeknight. Once you master the soufflé, you’ll want to make them for any occasion, or no occasion at all.


logo-verticalChefSteps is here to make you a better cook. Drawing on our years of combined culinary experience, we create hands-on online classes and original recipes that are both informative and entertaining. We don’t tell you how to sharpen your knife or make macarons from scratch, we show you. Whether you’re a home cook, a professional chef, or just love watching cooks work, we can help you cook smarter.

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