Soft-Serve Ice Cream | ChefSteps | PBS Food

Soft-Serve Ice Cream



Soft serve—around since the 1930s—tastes best when the flavor is light and the texture is rich. Achieving both means using a lot of milk proteins but relatively little sugar. (“Relatively” being the operative word—it’s ice cream, after all. There’s going to be some sugar involved.)

It’s a well-known formula for rival ice-cream kings Carvel and Dairy Queen, both of whom claim to have invented the refreshing treat. Here, we’re sharing a simple technique for making amazing soft serve at home, no fancy gadgets required.


Here’s what you will need: some dry ice, and your trusty stand mixer. Never worked with dry ice? You can often buy some, cheaply, at your local supermarket or at a big box store like Walmart or Sam’s Club. From there you just need to crush it up and slowly incorporate it into your ice cream base, and within moments you’ll wind up with a soft, delightful treat you can transfer to a piping bag and squeeze into cones for your friends and family. Make sure to stock up on sprinkles—we have a feeling this is going to be a big soft-serve summer at your house.


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