Yonas Hagos
Dec 17, 2016
Yonas Hagos is a young veteran with a dramatic past. Born in a Sudanese refugee camp to Ethiopian parents, Yonas first came to America at the age of nine.
While America was rocked by the events of September 11, 2001, for Yonas it was a call to action. He knew that this was his chance to give back to the country that had given him so much.
In Iraq, Yonas served as field artillery, doing infantry work in Baghdad. Before he could complete his first tour of duty, Yonas was seriously injured by a rocket propelled grenade (RPG). Pronounced dead on the scene (KIA), Yonas was revived at a field hospital, going on to receive a Purple Heart.
Today, Yonas is fully recovered, he has become a successful entrepreneur, husband and father!
"The story of his recovery from this incident is nothing short of miraculous, and just one of the amazing stories I am happy to be presenting in my special." ~ Lidia Bastianich