Cabbage Wrapped Red Salmon Curry
Cabbage Wrapped Red Salmon Curry

Cabbage Wrapped Red Curry Salmon

by Marc Matsumoto on Oct 28, 2013

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2 servings


  • 1 cup coconut cream
  • 2 tablespoons red curry paste
  • 2 teaspoons brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon fish sauce
  • 5 very large whole cabbage leaves
  • 400 grams salmon cut into 4 pieces


  1. Cut a large piece of foil that will easily wrap around the cabbage and salmon several times. You may need to join two sheets together by folding the edges over each other to get enough width.
  2. Put the oven rack in the middle position and preheat to 250 degrees F (120 C).
  3. Cut a piece of parchment paper that fits inside the foil.
  4. Whisk the coconut cream, red curry paste, brown sugar and fish sauce.
  5. Trim the tough stems off the cabbage leaves.
  6. In a large pot of salted water, boil the cabbage until tender but not mushy (about 7-10 minutes) and then drain well.
  7. Place a leaf down in the middle of the parchment paper and then place a piece of salmon on top. Pour a few spoonfuls of sauce on top and fold the cabbage like you’re wrapping a package, it’s okay if some of the sauce leaks out. Repeat with the rest of the salmon. The extra leaf is incase one of the cabbage leaves tears, or if you’re leaves aren’t quite big enough. If you don’t need it, you can just roll it up by itself and add it next to the salmon rolls.
  8. Arrange the rolls so they fit in the middle of the parchment paper and then drizzle with the rest of the red curry.
  9. Fold the parchment paper up and over the salmon to hold all the sauce in and then fold the foil up and over the salmon, folding the edge over a few times to make a seal. Fold the two sides of foil over to make a package and then place the package on a sheet pan in case it leaks.
  10. Put the pan in the oven and bake for about 20 minutes or until a thermometer poked into the middle of a cabbage roll reads 135 degrees F (57 C).
  11. To serve, just transfer the foil package to a platter and cut the top off. Garnish with cilantro.

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