As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, so rather than unleash many more words on you, here’s a photo gallery reminding you of some of the memorable faces from this just-concluded season of Independent Lens. We thank you for spending time with us over the past few months.
- Peyangki and mother, in Happiness
- John and Bonnie Raines, and their children, late 1960s, before the 1971 Citizens to Investigate the FBI break-in.
- Trey, in Bully
- Young Darius Clark Monroe, in Evolution of a Criminal
- Choreographer Elizabeth Streb, in Born to Fly.
- Pfc. Adam Winfield, from The Kill Team
- Andrew, from Rich Hill
- Jessica Posner Odede, at work in Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya, from A Path Appears
- Loha Singh, in Powerless
- Kumu Hina, with student Ho’onani
- From Through a Lens Darkly
- American Denial
- David McAllister, father of convicted arsonist, Daniel McAllister, in the film Little Hope Was Arson
- Hiroshi Ueda mourns his son, in Brakeless.
- Mia and Alexandra, in Twin Sisters
- From Little White Lie: Lacey Schwartz as a child, walking with her mother
- An Alabama shrimper and his wife examine post-spill shrimp, in The Great Invisible
- Kasey, in The Homestretch
- Tony and Richard, Limited Partnership