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Bhutto Wins a Peabody Award; Public TV Scores Multiple Awards

Our heartiest congratulations go out to Mark Seigel and Duane Baughman on winning an esteemed Peabody Award for last season’s Independent Lens documentary Bhutto. SO richly deserved!

Other worthy winners from our friends around the public television community include:

My Perestroika, a film directed by Robin Hessman and co-produced by Robin Hessman and Rachel Wexler, which aired on our sister series, POV.

Our colleagues at American Experience scored three Peabody Awards, for Triangle Fire, Freedom Riders, and Stonewall Uprising.

American Masters earned a Peabody for the documentary Charles and Ray Eames: The Architect and the Painter

NETA‘s riveting documentary Who Killed Chea Vichea?, funded by the Independent Television Service, also took home a Peabody.

And finally, Austin City Limits won a rare institutional Peabody for its 37 years of outstanding music performance programming.

Congratulations to ALL of the winners! This is truly fine company to be in.

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