Vote now for your own personal favorite from the just-concluded 2015-2016 season of Independent Lens. The voting period will run through 5 pm PT Monday, August 29. There were 21 films in this season that lasted from October through August, so a lot to choose from. But if you could pick just one favorite film to take with you to a desert island, which would it be?
Note: Using the Pocial survey tool, scroll down to see all 21 films, by grabbing the scrollbar center-right, or mousing over the survey until it appears.
2015-2016 Independent Lens Audience Award poll:
Voting has now closed! Thanks to everyone who voted.
Congratulations to Trapped, the winner of the 2016 Independent Lens Audience Award! Trapped, directed by Dawn Porter, was an important and timely film and developed a huge following which helped it grab the win, with many other deserving films right behind. Congrats to the team and thanks again to all.