Independent Lens Goes to the 84th Academy Awards

March 01, 2012 by 826chi in Where Are They Now?

We’re lucky enough to be able to share these gorgeous photos from Sunday night’s Academy Awards ceremony, thanks to Danfung Dennis — who was nominated for Best Documentary Feature for Hell and Back Again – and Susan Margolin of New Video. Enjoy!

Nathan and Ashley Harris arrive at the theater.

Director Danfung Dennis and Ashley Harris in the limo on the way to the awards ceremony.

Sgt. Nathan Harris prepares to dress for the cermonies.

Ashley Harris prepares for the ceremony by unwrapping a gift from Susan Margolin of New Video.
Ashley Harris, Sgt. Nathan Harris, Danfung Dennis, Courtney Brown, and Mike Lerner.
Ashley Harris, Sgt. Nathan Harris, director Danfung Dennis, Courtney Brown, and producer Mike Lerner on the red carpet.
POV Series Producer Simon Kilmurray and Independent Lens Series Producer Lois Vossen.


