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Time to Vote! Independent Lens 2014-2015 Audience Award

Vote for the Independent Lens 2014-15 season Audience Award

The Independent Lens 2014-2015 season may have ended, but the Audience Award is heating up.

Rate and vote for your favorite films from this past season on our Audience Awards page. In order to avoid ballot box stuffing, once your vote is recorded for a given film, you will not be able to vote for it again from the same ISP.  Rate all the films you watched using the star rating system.

Deadline for voting is Monday, June 29. We will close all voting at 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET.

Last season’s winner was Don’t Stop Believin’, and the year before that it was The Revisionaries. Who will be this year’s viewer’s choice? Tune back in here in a week to find out!

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