Alex and Mia laugh while a film cameraman shoots them on a boat in Norway
Another Update

Twin Sisters Are Growing Up (and Getting a Sequel)

July 18, 2016 by Craig Phillips in Where Are They Now?

Alex and Mia laugh while a film cameraman shoots them on a boat in Norway

The many global fans of our film Twin Sisters are constantly asking us for any kind of update on the twin girls featured in Mona Friis Bertheussen’s popular documentary. After getting a detailed report from one of the moms awhile back, we recently checked in with the Norway-based filmmaker to see how Mia and Alexandra are doing, and received some unexpected news. There’s going to be a sequel, the filming of which began in June.

We briefly chatted with Mona to find out more:

How long will you be filming them for this documentary? One year? Multiple years?

Alex and Mia reunite on a field in Fresvik, NorwayMona: The girls just turned 13. This next film will be about their youth and lives as teenagers. A time with lots of change, especially when it comes to identity… I will at least follow them for 2-3 years, all depending on how the storyline develops.

Is the focus on how the girls relationship has grown as they’ve gotten older? Or is it on how different their lives are because they were raised in such different circumstances? 

Mona: The new film will focus on their relationship, in what ways it grows, shifts and changes through this special time of their lives, the transition from being a child to becoming a grown-up.

The girls are now getting much more independent, and for the first time ever Mia travelled from the US to Fresvik alone, without her parents, this happened this June and is what we filmed. She stayed with the Norwegian family all by herself, and went with Alexandra to school. For the first time, they lived together with only one set of parents: Wenche and Sigmund, the Norwegian Couple.

So you may have to wait some time to see the film, but can look for updates in the meantime from the Twin Sisters Facebook page.

Alex, Mia, and filmmaker Mona together in local Fresvik Norway airport

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Craig Phillips

Craig Phillips

Craig is the digital content producer for Independent Lens, based in San Francisco. He is a film nerd, cartoonist, classic film poster collector, wannabe screenwriter, and owner of/owned by cats.