
June 26, 2015

19 Memorable Faces of Independent Lens’ 2014-15 Season

Craig Phillips in Lists

As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, so rather than unleash many more words on you, here's a photo gallery reminding you of some of the memorable…...

June 24, 2015

Time to Vote! Independent Lens 2014-2015 Audience Award

Independent Lens in

The Independent Lens 2014-2015 season may have ended, but the Audience Award is heating up. Rate and vote for your favorite films from this past season on our Audience Awards page. In…...

June 22, 2015

In the Shadow of Ebola Takes You to Liberia for One Family’s Story

Craig Phillips in

Independent Lens presents the premiere online of In the Shadow of Ebola [watch now], a gripping short film set around the height of the Ebola crisis, but told from a highly personal…...


May 18, 2015

Johanna Hamilton Goes Back to 1971 to Find Burglars Who Revealed Illegal FBI Spying

Craig Phillips in

1971: A year before the Watergate scandal sent shockwaves through the United States, with no end in sight to the Vietnam War, and anti-war protests intensifying. In that same year a group of ordinary…...

May 13, 2015

1971 Pop Quiz

Independent Lens in Uncategorized

The acclaimed film 1971 airs on Independent Lens on PBS next Monday, May 18 [check local listings]. But first, test yourself on all things 1971, from music to sports, politics…...

Headshot of Born to Fly filmmaker Catherine Gund.

May 11, 2015

Catherine Gund “Flies” with Elizabeth Streb, Extreme Action Architect

Craig Phillips in Uncategorized

As the subject of her new film Born to Fly: Elizabeth Streb vs. Gravity, New York-based filmmaker Catherine Gund found one of the more dynamic artistic minds in a city…...

Samantha Jakus of STREB in flight apparatus.

May 08, 2015

Action Heroes of Dance: They Were Born to Fly

Craig Phillips in Uncategorized

[caption id="attachment_6887" align="alignleft" width="550"] STREB’s Samantha Jakus runs down the side of Bergdorf Goodman Building in NYC. Photo Courtesy Bergdorf Goodman.[/caption] In the film Born to Fly, we meet not…...

Dancer bends over backwards on a spinning floor to keep his balance.

May 07, 2015

Art on the Edge: Extreme Dance, Performance, and More

Craig Phillips in Lists

Elizabeth Streb was once called the "Evel Knievel of dance," and our documentary Born to Fly: Elizabeth Streb vs. Gravity captures her life as an "extreme action architect." Her choreography, which she calls…...

Drawing representing Hawaiian mahu, or third gender.
Beyond the Films

April 30, 2015

Hawaiian Music: More Than Just Hula (But Also Hula)

Craig Phillips in Lists

[caption id="attachment_6841" align="alignnone" width="600"] Hina performing with some of her students, from Kumu Hina[/caption] In tandem with the PBS film Kumu Hina, we created this Spotify playlist compiling some of the greatest…...

Portrait of Kasey, one of the formerly-homeless teens from The Homestretch.

April 13, 2015

Update: Kasey Checks In

Craig Phillips in Where Are They Now?

Kasey, one of the three formerly homeless teens portrayed in The Homestretch who are striving to make a better future for themselves, checked in just today to give us all…...

Beyond the Films

March 23, 2015

I Identify: What Forces Determine Your Identity?

Independent Lens in Beyond the Films

In Little White Lie, filmmaker Lacey Schwartz uncovers an identity-altering family secret, and then embarks on a journey of discovery as she contends with her new sense of self. The film challenges us…...

Archival family photo from the Digital Diaspora Family Roadshow

February 16, 2015

Black Family History Through a Lens

Craig Phillips in Uncategorized

Archival family photo from the Digital Diaspora Family Roadshow A wonderful companion piece to Thomas Allen Harris's film Through a Lens Darkly: Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People is his…...