
Stephen, at home, explaining how you know when you're in love
Film History

January 09, 2016

More Than Rain Man: Autism Portrayals on Screen

Noel Murray in Beyond the Films

For a long time, the Oscar-winning 1988 drama Rain Man wasn’t just the best-known representation of autism on film, it was a lot of people’s only frame of reference for…...

Filmmaker Matt Fuller, director of Autism in Love, in black and white portrait
Behind the Films

January 07, 2016

Matt Fuller Explores the Autism Spectrum with Intimate Film

Craig Phillips in Behind the Films

Filmmaker Matt Fuller began his career in Hollywood, working for Sony Pictures in various capacities (on such films as Vacancy, Prom Night, and The Stepfather), and went on to supervise the development and production…...

Wilhemina’s War

In much of America, progress in HIV/AIDS treatment and improvement in education may suggest the worst is behind us, but every year 50,000 Americans are still diagnosed with the virus that causes AIDS. Astonishingly, nearly half of them live in the South, where the AIDS epidemic has taken… Read More

Dona and her mother Mimi stand on their suburban Dallas porch
Beyond the Films

November 21, 2015

The Cost of Love: Caring for Adults with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities

Craig Phillips in Beyond the Films

Did you know that November is National Family Caregiver Month? (Here are some suggested ways of thanking the caregivers in your life.) The care of aging adults is a problem we all…...

Mimi and Dona

What happens when love runs out of time? For 92-year-old Mimi, who has spent much of her life caring for 64-year-old Dona, her daughter with an intellectual disability, it means facing the inevitable — the likelihood that she will not outlive her daughter and the need to find… Read More

Stray Dog

From the director of the Oscar-nominated Winter’s Bone comes this portrait of a motorcycle-riding Vietnam veteran. Read More

Young African American man sits on a park bench in winter clothing.

April 09, 2015

Homeless but Not Hopeless: Homeless Youth in America

Craig Phillips in Beyond the Films

Youth homelessness is on the rise in the United States, and the numbers aren't pretty. One in 30 kids (nearly 2.5 million children) of K-12 school age are now homeless in the…...

How to Survive a Plague

The story of two grassroots coalitions — ACT UP and Treatment Action Group — made up of innovative activists, many of them HIV-positive, who fought to turn AIDS from a death sentence into a manageable condition.  Read More

We Were Here

When AIDS arrived in San Francisco in 1981, it decimated a community, but also brought people together in inspiring and moving ways to support and care for one another and to fight for dignity and a cure. Read More

June 08, 2012

Evoking a Time When San Francisco Was a War Zone

826chi in Interviews

What led you to make this film at this point in time? A younger boyfriend who had heard me speak many times about my experiences living in San Francisco during…...

Director Jeff Malmberg and Mark Hogancamp with their Marwencol alter egos. (Photo by Chris Shellen)

April 25, 2011

Marwencol Director Reflects on a Man, His Dolls, and the Touch of Genius

826chi in

Jeff Malmberg, director of Marwencol, took on much more than just a film project when he decided to shoot a documentary about Mark Hogancamp. Intrigued by a magazine article about…...


Twisted reveals the agonies and challenges of dystonia, a neurological disorder that forces muscles into abnormal — often painful — movements or postures. Read More