
How to Survive a Plague

The story of two grassroots coalitions — ACT UP and Treatment Action Group — made up of innovative activists, many of them HIV-positive, who fought to turn AIDS from a death sentence into a manageable condition.  Read More

October 20, 2012

Macky Alston on Bishop Gene Robinson, LGBT Rights, and Making His Film, Love Free or Die

826chi in Uncategorized

Macky Alston (Hard Road Home) returns to Independent Lens this season with his new film Love Free or Die. We sat down to discuss the genesis of his latest work…...

We Were Here

When AIDS arrived in San Francisco in 1981, it decimated a community, but also brought people together in inspiring and moving ways to support and care for one another and to fight for dignity and a cure. Read More

June 08, 2012

Evoking a Time When San Francisco Was a War Zone

826chi in Interviews

What led you to make this film at this point in time? A younger boyfriend who had heard me speak many times about my experiences living in San Francisco during…...