1961-63: Timeline of Events
JFK's short time in office was marked by several major events. Explore them in this timeline.
- UN General Assembly condemns apartheid in South Africa
- Berlin Wall is built, dividing East and West Germany
- American-backed Cuban exiles fail in an attempt to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs
- Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo is assassinated
- Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin completes the first orbit of Earth by a human
- U.S. establishes a military council in South Vietnam
- USSR sends arms to Cuba, setting off the "Cuban Missile Crisis" with the U.S.
- Uganda and Tanganyika become independent nations (Tanganyika subsequently merged with Zanzibar in 1964 to become Tanzania)
- U2 pilot Gary Powers is traded by the USSR for Soviet spy Rudolf Abel, who had been captured by the U.S.
- French president Charles de Gaulle prevents Great Britain's entry into the Common Market
- Nuclear test ban treaty is signed by the U.S., Great Britain, and USSR
- Buddhist-led military group overthrows the government of South Vietnam
- Kenya becomes an independent republic
- John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas -- Lyndon B. Johnson becomes president