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$300,000,000 to Aid Central Europe

Lenroot Proposes That Hoover Be Called to Advise Senate Committee.
New York Times, December 26, 1919

CHICAGO, Dec. 25. -- Further extensions of credit by the United States to suffering Europe aggregating $1,800,000,000 will be considered by Congress as soon as its reassembles next month, says a dispatch to The Chicago Tribune tonight from Washington.

"It is proposed," says the dispatch, "to finance the relief of starving Central Europe at an expense of $300,000,000 and to fund into time loans the $1,500,000,000 interest due in the next three years on loans to the Allies.

"In connection with the question of conditions in Central Europe the views of Herbert Hoover will be sought. Mr. Hoover is of the opinion that unless America comes to the rescue thousands of people will die of starvation this Winter in Austria, Hungary, Poland, and Bohemia. Senator Lenroot has suggested that Mr. Hoover be called before the Foreign Relations Committee of the Senate to present his suggestions.

"Mr. Hoover has proposed that the funds of the Grain Corporation, aggregating, with accrued profits, $250,000,000, be utilized. He would have this fund advanced as a nominal extension of credit for the purchase of food for Austria, Hungary, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. It would be impossible to exact security for such advances, however, and the loan would be regarded as a charity which the United States is called upon to extend from its plenitude to suffering humanity."

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