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Cable from Colonel Haskell

Colonel Haskell Cables That Moscow Government Will be Unable to Handle Situation.

New York Times, September 21, 1922

In a cable message to the American Relief Administration yesterday Colonel William N. Haskell, Director of Russian Relief in Moscow, said more than 1,000,000 adults in the regions of the Volga and South Ukraine faced starvation this Winter.

"The American Relief Administration is now feeding about 800,000 children in Russia, plus 300,000 in the Ukraine," Colonel Haskell's message read. "Because of harvesting of crops we can reduce this by the 1st of October to 600,000 children in Russia and 250,000 in the Ukraine. However, both of these programs must be increased, beginning January, for a period of five months. The average need from September to June, inclusive, will be about 1,000,000 children in Russia plus 300,000 in the Ukraine.

"The American Relief Administration has with the new harvest stopped all adult feeding, but it is estimated that in January 600,000 of the adult population will be short of food on the Volga and 400,000 in South Ukraine will face starvation. It is estimated that an average of 1,000,000 adult rations for five months would prevent this starvation. I believe the Russian Government will be unable to handle the situation, despite early optimism. The situation of the needy will be worse this year because they have less personal possessions to exchange for food. The intelligentsia will be particularly in need. Clothing is more necessary this year than last. Our medical resources are sufficient."

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