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WASP Official Correspondence

Telegram inviting application to WASP training

1943 October 20 440PM

If interested in entering Womens Airforce Service Pilot training contact Eithel A. Sheehy, Chief Recruiting Officer at Palmer House Chicago, Thursady, Friday, Saturday or Sunday October 21, 22, 23 or 24 for interview Signed Cochran

Arnold Commanding General Army Air Forces Washington, DC

Notification of acceptance into the WASP training program


Sweetwater, Texas
1943 June 18 559PM

Charles Ebersbach
2906 Hawthorne RD Tampa Flo
Soloed today. Everything Hokey Dokey
Love Dorothy

Required Qualifications for acceptance into WASP program

Headquarters flying Training Command
Fort Worth, Texas

Present requirements:
a. Age: 21 to 35 years
b. Education: High school or equivalent
c. Experience: 150 hours previous flying, logged and certified
d. Personal interview with Miss Cochran or person designated by her.
e. Medical examination by Army Flight Surgeon

If applicant is accepted after personal interview and having passed medical examination, the course will include:
Approximately 100 hours flying, 25 of which will be under the hood.

Fifteen hours in Link Trainer
180 hours ground school course
Progress will be based on proficiency of student

While in training - $150 per month
When assigned to duties - $250 per month

Applicant will have to be qualified at the end of above training to pass commercial, written and flight test, and instrument rating. Applicant can be eliminated at any time during the process of the course at the discretion of the instructors.

Jacqueline Cochran
Director, WomenÂąs Flying Training

Letter from Walt Disney with a design for the WASP insignia


January 29, 1943

Miss Byrd Granger
c/o Fifinella Gazette-Army Forces
319 Flying Training Detachment
Municipal Airport
Houston, Texas

Dear Madam:

In compliance with your telegram of the 22nd. inst., we are sending you under separate cover design of insignia which we trust will meet with your approval.

You have permission to use this design and the name "Fifinella" as an insignia for the Womens Flying Training Detachment and you may also incorporate the same at your discretion in any issue of your Fifinella Gazette published at your station.

This permission shall be construed in the nature of a license from us to you in behalf of the 319th Flying Training Detachment. It is specifically provided, however, unless specifically agreed to by us in writing, this design and the name "Fifinella" must be confined to non-commercial and non-profit making purposes. Of course, we shall be glad to cooperate with you in the event your Detachment shall desire to use the design and name on stationary, pins and similar merchandise. Naturally, such use must be confined to your outfit unless we give you permission to the contrary.

Please be assured of our pleasure in cooperating with you and we trust that this little contribution on our part may be of assistance in building morale.

Yours very truly,
By Gunther R. Lessing

Notification from General Hap Arnold of the end of the WASP program


1 October 1944

To Each Member of the WASP:

I am very proud of you young women an the outstanding job you have done as members of the Air Forces team. When we needed you, you came through and have served most commendably under very difficult circumstances.

The WASP became part of the Air Forces because we had to explore the nations total manpower resources and in order to release male pilots for other duties. Their very successful record of accomplishment has proved that in any future total effort the nation can count on thousands of its young women to fly any of its aircraft. You have freed male pilots for other work, but now the war situation has changed and the time has come when your volunteered services are no longer needed. The situation is that if you continue in service, you will be replacing instead of releasing our young men. I know that the WASP wouldn't want that.

So, I have directed that the WASP program be inactivated and all WASP be released on 20 December 1944. I want you to know that I appreciate your war service and that the AAF will miss you. I also know that you join us in being thankful that our combat losses have proved to be much lower that anticipated, even though it means inactivation of the WASPS.

I am sorry that it is impossible to send a personal letter to each of you.

My sincerest thanks and Happy Landings always.

H.H. Arnold
General, U.S. Army
Commanding General, Army Air Force

Courtesy of The Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University


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