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Fly Girls | Primary Source

WASP Record

Extract from pilot's log book
Women pilots accepted by Women Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) 27
Women applying to Army Airforce (AAF) flight training 25,000
Women accepted to AAF flight training 1,879
Women pilots graduated from AAF flying training detachment school 1,074
Women pilots assigned to duty stations at time of deactivation 916
WASP killed during AAF program 38

Types of Flying Duties

Ferrying Towing targets for anti-aircraft
Engineering test Towing targets for aerial gunnery
Demonstration Tracking and searchlight missions
Check pilot Simulated straffing and gasing
Administrative Smoke laying and chemical missions
Flight instructor (Basic and Instrument)

Flight Operation Statistics

60,000,000 Miles of Operations Flights
77 Types of Aircraft Ferried
12,000 Ferrying Operations
9,224,000 Miles Flown in Ferrying Operations
All P-47 Aircraft ferried out of Republic Aircraft factory in last 1/2 of 1944

Qualifications for Women Pilots

  Initial Final
Flying Time 500 hours 35 hours
Horsepower Rating 200 H.P. No Requirement
Flying License Commercial Student
Education High School or equiv. High School
Height 60" minimum 64" minimum
Age 21-35 years 18 1/2-35 years

Pilots Completing AAF Central Flying Training Command

  Women Pilots Male Pilots
1943 74% 75%
1944 54% 45%


  WASP Male Pilots
Pilot Error Accident .001% .007%
Total Accident Rate .693% .707%
(per 1000 hours flight time)
Total Fatal Accidents .060% .062%
(per 1000 hours flight time)

Courtesy of The Woman's Collection, Texas Woman's University

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