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Freedom Summer | Clip

Roscoe Jones - "The Preservationist"

From the Collection: Freedom Summer @ 50

Having worked to integrate lunch counters and the public library, Roscoe Jones stood ready to go to work when Freedom Summer volunteers arrived in Meridian, MS. He was at the office for the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO), when word arrived that Cheney, Goodman, and Schwerner had gone missing. Today, he hopes to preserve buildings in Meridian that tell the story of the movement. 

Watch more Freedom Summer @ 50
Freedom Summer @ 50: The Politician
Freedom Summer @ 50: The Librarian
Freedom Summer @ 50: The Publisher
​​​​​​​Freedom Summer @ 50: The Activist
Freedom Summer @ 50: The Foot Soldier
Freedom Summer @ 50: The Voter
Freedom Summer @ 50: The Teacher
Freedom Summer @ 50: The Photographer
Freedom Summer @ 50: The Folk Singer

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