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Director Stanley Nelson and co-producer Julianna Brannum pose for a photo with former American Indian Movement (AIM) leader Dennis Banks after his interview.
Credit: Julianna Brannum/Stephen McCarthy -
This is a view of the mass grave at Wounded Knee. Several hundred Minneconjou Lakota people were killed in the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890.
Credit: Julianna Brannum -
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation at sunset in February 2007. A big snowstorm hit just as the team arrived. The team reported that the 58-mile drive back to their hotel each night was white knuckles the whole way.
Credit: Julianna Brannum -
Co-producer Julianna Brannum stands in front of a Pine Ridge Indian Reservation stop sign.
Credit: Julianna Brannum/Stephen McCarthy -
Cinematographer Allen Moore catches a beautiful shot of the sunrise on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
Credit: Julianna Brannum