Stem Cells Poll

  • By Susan K. Lewis
  • Posted 07.01.08
  • NOVA scienceNOW

Should scientists be allowed to pursue the first steps in the process of human cloning to create embryonic stem cells for biomedical research? In this poll, explore the in-depth arguments pro and con, decide for yourself, and see how others have voted.

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Should we create human embryonic stem cells through cloning?



(nuclear transfer)
© CC Studio/Photo Researchers, Inc
(I.V. drip)
© Fotosearch
(lab mouse)
© Windfall Films, UK
(stem cell culture)
Courtesy of University of Wisconsin-Madison
(Bush press conference)
Courtesy White House
(red blood cells)
Courtesy of NIH/NIDDK
© Christian Anthony/
© Stéphane Bidouze/
(Dolly the sheep)
© Roslin Institute
(pregnant woman)
Courtesy Dr. Ann Kiessling
(cancer patient)
© Bill Branson/National Cancer Institute

Related Links

  • Stem Cells Breakthrough

    Three separate teams overcome a biomedical hurdle: creating stem cells without the use of human embryos.

  • Stem Cells Breakthrough: Q&A

    George Daley of Children's Hospital Boston answers questions about stem cell research.

  • The Cloning Process

    Microphotographs show step-by-step how scientists create a cloned mouse embryo to generate embryonic stem cells.

  • Stem Cells: 2006 Update

    A fraudulent South Korean researcher is unmasked, and scientists find a new technique for easing ethical concerns.


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