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Cracking the Code of Life
Understanding heredity
de Maupertuis
Crick & Watson
Genome Project
Thomas Hunt Morgan in his laboratory

1866-1945 Thomas Hunt Morgan
Thomas Hunt Morgan began experimenting with Drosophilia, the fruit fly, in 1908. He bred a single white-eyed male fly with a red-eyed female. All the offspring produced by this union, both male and female, had red eyes. Morgan then bred these male and female siblings, which resulted in some offspring with red eyes and some with white eyes. All of the flies with white eyes were males. From these and other results, Morgan established a theory of heredity that was based on the idea that genes, arranged on the chromosomes, carry hereditary factors that are expressed in different combinations when coupled with the genes of a mate. In 1933, Morgan won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of "hereditary transmission mechanisms in Drosophilia."

Watch the Program Here | Our Genetic Future (A Survey)
Manipulating Genes: How Much is Too Much? | Understanding Heredity
Explore a Stretch of Code | Nature vs Nurture Revisited
Sequence for Yourself | Journey into DNA | Meet the Decoders
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