TV Programs

TV Programs

Please note that these listings are provided for informational purposes only; very few of these programs are available for purchase on video. Those that are can be found at the NOVA section of Shop WGBH.


A is for Atom, B is for Bomb
A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Panama
Abandon Ship (Escape)
Acid Rain: New Bad News
Acropolis, Battle for the
Across the Silent Barrier
Adrift on the Gulf Stream
Adventures of Teenage Scientists
Aging: The Methuselah Syndrome
AIDS: Chapter One
AIDS, Surviving
Aircraft Carrier!
Alaska: The Closing Frontier
Alcoholism: Life Under The Influence
Alien Worlds, Hunt for
All Part of The Game
All-American Bear, The
America's Stone Age Explorers
Anastasia Dead or Alive?
Anatomy of a Volcano
Ancient Creature of the Deep
Ancient Refuge in the Holy Land
Ancient Treasures from the Deep
Animal Architects
Animal Hospital
Animal Imposters
Animal Olympians
Animal Olympians II
Antarctica: Earth's Last Frontier
Arctic Passage
Are You Doing This for Me, Doctor?
Are You Swimming in a Sewer?
Artificial Heart, The
Artists in the Lab
Asbestos: A Lethal Legacy
Asteroid and the Dinosaur, The
Astronaut's View of the Earth, An
Avoiding the Surgeon's Knife


B-29 Frozen in Time
Baby Talk
Back to Chernobyl
BaMiki BaNdula: Children of the Forest
Battle Alert in the Gulf
Battle for the Acropolis
Battle of the X-Planes
Battles in the War on Cancer: A Wonder Drug on Trial
Battles in the War on Cancer: Breast Cancer—Turning the Tide
Battle Plan Under Fire
Bear, The All-American
Beast of Loch Ness, The
Beersheva Experiment, The
Best Mind Since Einstein, The
Beyond the Knife: Pioneers of Surgery
Beyond The Milky Way
Big IF, The
Big Spill, The
Bird Brain: The Mystery of Bird Navigation
Blackbird, Bye Bye
Black Tide
Blimp is Back!, The
Blindness: Five Points of Views
Blueprints in the Bloodstream
Boldest Hoax, The
Bomb's Lethal Legacy, The
Bomb Squad
Bombing of America
Brain Eater, The
Brain Transplant
Bridge That Spanned The World, The
Brutal Craft: Pioneers of Surgery, The
Building on Ground Zero
Buried in Ash
Buried in Ice
Business of Extinction, The
Bye Bye Blackbird


Can AIDS Be Stopped?
Can Bombing Win a War?
Can Buildings Make You Sick
Can Chimps Talk?
Can China Kick the Habit?
Can Science Build a Champion Athlete?
Can the Elephant Be Saved?
Can the Next President Win the Space Race?
Can the Vatican Save the Sistine Chapel?
Can We Make a Better Doctor?
Can You Believe TV Ratings?
Can You Still Get Polio?
Can You Stop People from Drinking?
Cancer, Battles in the War on: A Wonder Drug on Trial
Cancer, Battles in the War on: Breast Cancer—Turning the Tide
Cancer Detectives Of Lin Xian, The
Cancer Warrior
Captives of Care
Car Crash (Escape)
Case of ESP, The
Case Of The Ancient Astronauts, The
Case of the Bermuda Triangle, The
Case of the Flying Dinosaur
Case of the Frozen Addict, The
Case of the Midwife Toad, The
Case Of The UFOs, The
Cashing In On The Ocean
Chasing El Niño
Chernobyl, Back to
Child Survival: The Silent Emergency
Child's Play: Prodigies and Possibilities
Children of Eve
China Bridge (Secrets of Lost Empires)
China's Only Child
Chip vs. the Chessmaster, The
City of Coral
City Spaces, Human Places
Climate Crisis, The
Cobalt Blues, The
Colosseum (Secrets of Lost Empires)
Computers, Spies & Private Lives
Confessions of a Weaponeer
Confronting the Killer Gene
ConFusion in a Jar
Conquest of the Parasites
Controversial Dr. Koop, The
Cosmic Fire
Countdown to the Invisible Universe
Crab Nebula, The
Cracking the Code of Life
Cracking the Ice Age
Crash of Flight 111
Crocodiles! With David Attenborough
Curse of T.rex
Cut to the Heart


Danger in the Jet Stream
Daredevils of the Sky
Daring Flight, A
Dark Side of the Moon, The: The Russian Right Stuff
Dawn of the Solar Age, The
Day the Earth Shook, The
Dead Sea Lives, The
Deadliest Plane Crash, The
Deadly Ascent
Deadly Deception, The
Deadly Shadow of Vesuvius
Death of a Disease
Death of a Star
Death Star
Decoding the Book of Life
Decoding Nazi Secrets
Deep Sea Invasion
Descent into the Ice
Desert Doesn't Bloom Here Anymore, The
Desert Place, A
Desert's Edge, The
Design Wars!
Diamond Deception
Did Darwin Get It Wrong?
Dimming the Sun
Dinosaurs of the Gobi
Dirty Bombs
Disguises of War
Diving for Pirate Gold
Dogs and More Dogs
Do Scientists Cheat?
Do We Really Need The Rockies?
Doctors Of Nigeria, The
Doomsday Asteroid, The
Down on the Farm
Dr. Spock the Baby Doc
Dying to be Thin
Dying to Breathe


Easter Island (Secrets of Lost Empires)
Earth, An Astronaut's View of the
Echoes of War
Eclipse of the Century
Edgerton and His Incredible Seeing Machines
18 Ways to Make a Baby
Einstein Revealed
Einstein's Big Idea
Electric Heart
Elegant Universe, The
Elusive Illness, The
Empires in Collison: The Genius That Was China
End Of The Rainbow, The
Escape/Abandon Ship
Escape/Car Crash
Escape/Plane Crash
Everest - The Death Zone
Everest, Lost On
Extinction, The Business of
Eyes Over China


Fall of the Leaning Tower
Family That Walks on All Fours
Farmers of the Sea
Fast Cars
Faster Than Sound
Fastest Planes in the Sky
Fat Chance in a Thin World
Field Guide to Roger Tory Peterson, A
Final Frontier, The
Finding A Voice
Fine Art of Faking It, The
Fire (Escape)
Fire Wars
First Signs of Washoe, The
Flying Casanovas
Forgotten Genius
Fountains of Paradise
Fragile Mountain, The
Freud Under Analysis
Frontiers of Plastic Surgery
Frozen in Heaven (Ice Mummies Part 1 of 3)
Fusion: The Energy of Promise


Galileo's Battle for the Heavens
Garden of Eden
Garden of Inheritance, The
Gene Engineers, The
Genetic Chance, The
Genetic Gamble, The
Genius Behind the Bomb, The
Ghost Particle, The
Global Village
God, Darwin and Dinosaurs
Goddess of the Earth
Goodbye Louisiana
Great Escape
Great Moments from NOVA
Great Moments from NOVA
Great Robot Race, The
Great Violin Mystery, The
Great Wildlife Heist, The
Great Wine Revolution, The
Green Machine, The
Gulf, Battle Alert in the
Gulf Stream, Adrift on the


Halley's Comet: Once in a Lifetime
Harvest of Fear
Haunted Cry of a Long Gone Bird
Hawaii: Born of Fire
Hawaii: Crucible of Life
Heart, The Artificial
Heart, Cut to the
Hell Fighters of Kuwait
Here's Looking At You Kid
Hidden City, The
Hidden Power of Plants
High-Tech Babies
Hitler's Lost Sub
Hitler's Secret Weapon
Hitler's Sunken Secret
Hole in the Sky, The
Holocaust on Trial
Horsemen of China
Hot Blooded Dinosaurs, The
Hot Enough for You?
How Babies Get Made
How Good is Soviet Science?
How Much Do You Smell?
How to Create a Junk Food
Human Animal, The
Hunt for Alien Worlds
Hunt for China's Dinosaurs, The
Hunt for the Legion Killer, The
Hunt for Saddam's Secret Weapons, The
Hunt for The Serial Arsonist
Hunt for the Supertwister
Hunters of the Seal
Hunting of the Quark, The


Icarus' Children
Ice Mummies Part 1 of 3: Frozen in Heaven
Ice Mummies Part 2 of 3: Siberian Ice Maiden
Ice Mummies Part 3 of 3: Return of the Iceman
Impotence, The Truth About
Inca (Secrets of Lost Empires)
In Search of Human Origins, Part One
In Search of Human Origins, Part Three
In Search of Human Origins, Part Two
In Search of the First Language
In The Event of Catastrophe
In the Land of the Llamas
In the Land of the Polar Bears
In the Path of a Killer Volcano
Incident at Brown's Ferry
India: Machinery of Hope
Infinite Secrets
Insect Alternative, The
Inside the Golden Gate
Inside the Shark
Into the Heart: Pioneers of Surgery
Invisible Flame, The
Invisible Spaceman, The: The Russian Right Stuff
Is Anybody Out There?
Island of the Spirits
It's About Time


Japan's American Genius
Japan's Secret Garden
Jaws: The True Story
Jewel of the Earth
Journey to Kilimanjaro
Journey to the Sacred Sea


Keys Of Paradise, The
KGB, The Computer and Me, The
Kidnapped by UFOs?
Killer Disease on Campus
Killer Quake!
Killer's Trail, The
Killing Machines
Kingdom of the Seahorse


Lassa Fever
Last Flight of Bomber 31
Last Great Ape, The
Last Journey of a Genius, The
Last of the Cuiva
Leaning Tower, Fall of the
Legends of Easter Island
Leopards of the Night
Leprosy Can Be Cured!
Life and Death in the War Zone
Life On A Silken Thread
Life: Patent Pending
Life's First Feelings
Life's Greatest Miracle
Light of the 21st Century
Light Stuff, The
Lincoln's Secret Weapon
Linus Pauling: Crusading Scientist
Little Creatures Who Run the World
Living Machines
Loch Ness, The Beast of
Locusts: War Without End
Long Walk Of Fred Young
Lost at Sea: The Search for Longitude
Lost City of Arabia
Lost on Everest
Lost King of the Maya
Lost Roman Treasure
Lost Treasures of Tibet
Lost Tribe, The
Lost Tribes of Israel
Lost World of the Maya, The
Lysenko Affair, The


Magic of Special Effects, The
Magic Way of Going: The Story of Thoroughbreds, A
Magnetic Storm
Make My People Live: The Crisis in Indian Health Care
Making a Dishonest Buck
Making of a Doctor
Making of a Natural History Film, The
Making of a Natural History Film, The
Malady Of Health Care, The
Mammoths of the Ice Age
Man Who Loved Numbers, The
MARS Dead or Alive
Mathematical Mystery Tour, The
Medieval Siege (Secrets of Lost Empires)
Meditation and the Mind
Mediterranean Prospect, A
Memories From Eden
Men Who Painted Caves, The
Message In The Rocks
Methuselah Tree
Milky Way, Beyond The
Mind Machines, The
Mind of a Serial Killer
Miracle of Life, The
Missing Link, The
Mission, The: The Russian Right Stuff
Monarch of the Mountains
Monster of the Milky Way
Moon, To the
Most Dangerous Woman in America, The
Mountain of Ice
Moving Still
Mr. Ludwig's Tropical Dreamland
Mummy Who Would Be King, The
Murder, Rape and DNA
Mysterious Crash of Flight 201
Mysterious Life of Caves
Mysterious Mummies of China
Mystery of the Anasazi, The
Mystery of the Animal Pathfinders
Mystery of the First Americans
Mystery of the Master Builders
Mystery of the Megaflood
Mystery of the Megavolcano
Mystery of Yellow Rain, The


National Science Test I, The
National Science Test II, The
Nazi Designers of Death
Nazis and the Russian Bomb
Nazi Prison Escape
Neanderthals on Trial
Neptune's Cold Fury
New Healers, The
New Organs for Old: Pioneers of Surgery
Newton's Dark Secrets
Night Creatures of the Kahalari
Ninety Degrees Below
Nomads of the Rain Forest, The
Normal Face, A: The Wonders of Plastic Surgery
Notes of a Biology Watcher: A Film With Lewis Thomas
NOVA scienceNOW (January 25, 2005)
NOVA scienceNOW (April 19, 2005)
NOVA scienceNOW (July 26, 2005)
NOVA scienceNOW (October 18, 2005)
NOVA scienceNOW (January 10, 2006)
NOVA scienceNOW (October 3, 2006)
NOVA scienceNOW (November 21, 2006)
NOVA scienceNOW (January 9, 2007)
NOVA Quiz, The
Nuclear Strategy for Beginners


Obelisk (Secrets of Lost Empires)
Odyssey of Life - Part 1 "The Ultimate Journey"
Odyssey of Life - Part 2 "The Unknown World"
Odyssey of Life - Part 3 "The Photographer's Secrets"
One Small Step
Orangutans of the Rain Forest
Orchid Hunter
Other Way, The
Overworked Miracle, The


Palace of Delights
Panama, A Man, A Plan, A Canal,
Papua New Guinea: Anthropology on Trial
Patterns From The Past
Pearl (The Perfect)
Perfect Corpse, The
Perfect Pearl, The
Pharaoh's Obelisk (Secrets of Lost Empires)
Pill for the People, The
Pinks and the Blues, The
Plague Fighters
Plague on our Children, A
Plane Crash (Escape)
Plane that Changed the World, The
Planet that Got Knocked on its Side, The
Planets, The
Plastic Prison, The
Pleasure Of Finding Things Out, The
Plutonium Connection, The
Poison in the Rockies
Poisoned Winds of War
Portrait of a Killer
Predictable Disaster
Private Lives of Dolphins
Proof, The


Race for the Double Helix, The
Race For The Gold
Race for the Superconductor
Race for the Top
Race to Catch a Buckyball
Rafting Through the Grand Canyon
Real Jurassic Park, The
Red Deer of Rhum, The
Red Planet, The
Red Sea Coral
Renewable Tree, The
Rescue Mission in Space
Rescuing Baby Whales
Resolution on Saturn
Return of the Iceman (Ice Mummies Part 3 of 3)
Return of the Osprey
Return to Mt. St. Helens
Riddle of the Joints
Rise and Fall of DDT, The
Rise of a Wonder Drug, The
Rise of the Dragon: The Genius That Was China
Road To Happiness
Robot Revolution?, The
Rocky Road to Jupiter
Roller Coaster!
Roman Bath (Secrets of Lost Empires)
Runaway Universe
Russia's Nuclear Warriors


Saddam's War on Wildlife
Safety Factor, The
Sail Wars!
Salmon on the Run
Saving the National Treasures
Schoolboys Who Cracked the Soviet Secret, The
Science Of Murder, The
scienceNOW, NOVA (January 25, 2005)
Sea Behind The Dunes, The
Seahorse, Kingdom of the
Search for Life, The
Search for the Disappeared, The
Search for the First Americans
Search for the Lost Cave People
Search for a Safe Cigarette
Secret of Photo 51
Secret of the Wild Child
Secrets, Lies, and Atomic Spies
Secrets of Easter Island
Secrets of the Crocodile Caves
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Secrets of Lost Empires: China Bridge
Secrets of Lost Empires: Colosseum
Secrets of Lost Empires: Easter Island
Secrets of Lost Empires: Inca
Secrets of Lost Empires: Medieval Siege
Secrets of Lost Empires: Obelisk
Secrets of Lost Empires: Pharaoh's Obelisk
Secrets of Lost Empires: Roman Bath
Secrets of Lost Empires: Stonehenge
Secrets of the Lost Red Paint People
Secrets of Making Money
Secrets of the Mind
Secrets of the Psychics
Secrets of Sleep, The
Seeds of Tomorrow
Sex and the Single Rhino
Sex, Lies and Toupee Tape
Sex: Unknown
Shackleton's Voyage of Endurance
Shadow of the Condor
Shape of Things, The
Shark Attack!
Ship, Abandon (Escape)
Siamese Twins
Siberian Ice Maiden (Ice Mummies Part 2 of 3)
Signs of the Apes, Songs of the Whales
Sinking City of Venice
Sinking the Supership
Sixty Minutes to Meltdown
Skydive to the Rain Forest
Skyscraper! A NOVA Special
Small Imperfection, A
So You Want to Be a Doctor?
Space Bridge to Moscow
Space Women
Special Effects Titanic and Beyond
Spies That Fly
Spy Machines
Stationed in the Stars
Stephen Jay Gould: This View of Life
Still Waters
Stonehenge (Secrets of Lost Empires)
Storm That Drowned A City
Strange New Science of Chaos, The
Strange Sleep
Stranger in the Mirror
Submarines, Secrets, and Spies
Suicide Mission to Chernobyl
Sultan's Lost Treasure
Sunspot Mystery, The
Super Bridge
Supersonic Dream
Supersonic Spies
Surviving AIDS
Survivor M.D.: Hearts & Minds
Survivor M.D.: Second Opinions
Survivor M.D.: Tattooed Doctor
Sweet Solutions
Swimming With Whales


T.rex, Curse of
T. rex Exposed
Take the World From Another Point of View
Tales from the Hive
Talking Turtle
Taller Than Everest?
Teenage Scientists, Adventures of
Television Explosion, The
Termites to Telescopes
Terror in the Mine Fields
Terror in Space
Test-Tube Babies: A Daughter For Judy
This Old Pyramid
Threat from Japan, The: The Genius that Was China
Three Men and a Balloon
Time Travel
Titanic's Lost Sister
To Boldly Go...
To Live Until You Die: The Work of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
To the Moon
Tongues of Man, Part 2
Tongues of Men, Part 1
Top Gun and Beyond
Top Gun Over Moscow
Touch of Sensitivity, A
Toxic Trials
Tracking The Supertrains
Transplant Experiment, The
Treasures of the Great Barrier Reef
Treasures of the Sunken City
Trial of Denton Cooley
Tribe that Time Forgot, The
Trillion Dollar Bet
Truth About Impotence, The
Tse Tse Trap, The
Tuaregs, The
Twenty-Five Years in Space


Umealit: The Whale Hunters
Underground Movement, The
Underwater Dream Machine
Universe Within, The


Venus Unveiled
Vesuvius, Deadly Shadow of
Viking Deception, The
Vikings, The
Vikings in America
Visions of Star Wars
Visions of the Deep: The Underwater World of Al Giddings
Volcano, Anatomy of a
Volcano Above the Clouds
Volcano Under the City
Volcanoes of the Deep
Volcano's Deadly Warning
Voyage of Doom
Voyage to the Mystery Moon
Voyager: Jupiter & Beyond


Wanted: Butch and Sundance
War From the Air
War Machines of Tomorrow
Warnings from the Ice
Warriors of the Amazon
Water Crisis, The
Wave That Shook the World
We Know Where You Live
Welcome to Mars
Whale Rescue
Whale Watch
Whales, Dolphins, and Men
What Einstein Never Knew
What Is Music?
What Price Coal?
What Smells?
What Time is Your Body?
What's Killing the Children?
What's New About Menopause
What's Up with the Weather?
When Wonder Drugs Don't Work
Where Did the Colorado Go?
Whisper From Space, A
Who Killed the Red Baron?
Who Shot President Kennedy?
Why America Burns
Why Do Birds Sing?
Why Planes Burn
Why Planes Crash
Why the Towers Fell
Wild Wolves With David Attenborough
Will I Walk Again?
Will the Dragon Rise Again?: The Genius That Was China
Will The Fishing Have to Stop?
Will the World Starve?
Will Venice Survive Its Rescue?
Williamsburgh File, The
Wings of Madness
Wizard Who Spat On The Floor, The
Wolf Equation, The
Women Rebel, The
World According to Weiskoff, The
World is Full of Oil!, The
World in the Balance
World of Difference, A
Wright Brothers' Flying Machine


Yellowstone's Burning Question


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