Creatures of Underwater Caves

  • By Rachel VanCott
  • Posted 02.01.10
  • NOVA

On the islands of the Bahamas, in a vast network of underground, water-filled caves, biologists have discovered remarkable fossil evidence of animals that once inhabited the region, as well as a host of small and intriguing creatures never before seen. In this slide show, meet some of these animals, and learn why the caves, known as "blue holes," are likely to yield other unique finds.

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The "blue holes" of the Bahamas harbor animals seen nowhere else on the planet.



(Dean's blue hole)
© Burnet & Palmer/photolibrary
(owl's roost site)
© 2009 NGHT, Inc. and WGBH Educational Foundation
(Aldabra rail)
© Robert Harding Travel/photolibrary
(Haitian boa)
© Joe McDonald/Corbis
(cave swallow)
© Associated Press
(eastern meadowlark)
© James Urbach/photolibrary
(Tom Iliffe)
© Jill Heinerth/National Geographic Television
(Speonebalia cannoni, Parhippolyte sterreri, Speleonectes kakuki, Pelagomacellicephala iliffei)
Courtesy Tom Iliffe

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