States of Matter

  • By Richard Pommier Swanson
  • Posted 01.08.08
  • NOVA

Water is the only substance on Earth that occurs naturally as a solid, liquid, and gas. But scientists can artificially transform substances that occur naturally in only one or two forms of matter into other forms. In this interactive, adjust the temperature and pressure of three common substances and watch them morph into different states of matter. Along the way, you'll see just how inextricably linked temperature and pressure are.

Launch Interactive

In this interactive, adjust temperature and pressure, and watch gases become liquids, liquids become solids, and more.

This feature originally appeared on the site for the NOVA program Absolute Zero.

Richard Pommier Swanson is the former Science Content Director for PBS's DragonflyTV. He holds degrees in Education and the History of Science and Technology from the University of Minnesota.



©2007 Meridian Productions and Windfall Films

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