The Science of Jamestown

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A map from this era marks Werowocomoco with what looks like a "D" within another "D." This symbol could represent the two parallel ditches (seen here, filled in) found in excavations at Purton Bay in Gloucester County, Virginia, where archeologists believe Werowocomoco once stood. The ditches appear to surround Werowocomoco's eastern half, dividing the village into what experts believe is a religious or restricted area where the chief (also called Powhatan) and other high-status chiefdom members probably spent their time, and a secular area to the west. Circular stains of soil containing organic matter hint at the eastern half's importance: scholars believe that the stains mark the outline of the largest longhouse yet found in Virginia, possibly belonging to Chief Powhatan himself. (The wooden longhouse is believed to have rotted away like James Fort.) Additionally, pottery and other artifacts found to the east are better made than the cruder fragments to the west.

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