NOVA scienceNOWNOVA scienceNOWNOVA scienceNOWComing up

July 30, 2008: Credits

Web Site Credits

Lauren Aguirre, Executive Editor
Rima Chaddha, Assistant Editor
Amanda Clarke, Illustrator
Darcy Forlenza, Editorial Assistant
Brenden Kootsey, Senior Web Developer
Alan Kwan, Web Developer
David Levin, Assistant Editor
Susan K. Lewis, Editor
Tacita Morway, Web Developer
Melissa Salpietra, Editorial Assistant
Peter Tyson, Editor in Chief
Rachel VanCott, Intern
Anya Vinokour, Senior Designer
Li Wei, Designer

Special Thanks

Larry Agenbroad, Hot Springs Mammoth Site
Marilyn Kraus, University of Illinois at Chicago
William Li, The Angiogenesis Foundation
Dick Mol
Rod Smith, The Angiogenesis Foundation
Bas van Geel, University of Amsterdam

Photo and Image Credits

Phoenix Mars Lander

Phoenix Mars Lander hub page
Image: (Phoenix Mars lander) Courtesy NASA/JPL-Calech/University of Arizona

Explore the Red Planet
Images: (the planet, terrain) © NASA/JPL; (canyon) © NASA/NSSDC, Viking Orbiter; (volcano) © NASA/NSSDC, Viking 1; (sand dunes, crater, ice cap, faulting, layered rocks, gullies, clouds, mesas, landslide, plains, dust storms) © NASA/JPL/MSSS; (frozen water) Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona/Texas A&M University; (Mars globe) © NASA/USGS

Ask the Expert
Image: (Leslie Tamppari) Courtesy Rick Wiley/Arizona Daily Star

Brain Trauma

Brain Trauma hub page
Image: (brain model) © Michael Prince/Corbis

Diagnosing Damage
Images: (injured player, football tackle) © James Boulette/; (CT scan) © Bojan Fatur/istockphoto; (DTI scan) © Zephyr/Photo Researchers, Inc.; (ImPACT test) Courtesy UPMC Sports Medicine Concussion Program; (player using DETECT device) Courtesy Georgia Institute of Technology; (eye-tracking test) © WGBH Educational Foundation

Ask the Expert
Image: (Jamshid Ghajar) © WGBH Educational Foundation

Mammoth Mystery

Mammoth Mystery hub page
Image: (mammoth illustration) © WBGH Educational Foundation

A Mammoth Waste of Time
Images: (dung, grass, Poa cf. arctica seed, mineral dust, willow stems, leaves, willow twig cross-section, pollen, bud, moss spore) © Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics/from original publication van Geel, B., Aptroot, A., Baittinger, C., Birks, H.H., Bull, I.D., Cross, H.B., Evershed, R.P., Gravendeel, B., Kompanje, E.J.O., Kuperus, P., Mol, D., Nierop, K.G.J., Pals, J.P., Tikhonov, A.N., van Reenen, G. and van Tienderen, P.H., 2008. The ecological implications of a Yakutian mammoth's last meal. Quaternary Research 69: 361-376, University of Amsterdam; (Yukagir mammoth, Yukagir landscape, Yukagir's extraction) © Francis Latreille/Corbis

Ask the Expert
Image: (Mike Voorhies) © NET Television

Profile: Judah Folkman

Profile: Judah Folkman hub page
Image: (Judah Folkman) Courtesy Children's Hospital Boston

Driven by Imagination
Images: (all) Courtesy Children's Hospital Boston

Angiogenesis Explained
Images: (ultrasound) Isabelle Limbach/; (pregnant belly) Greg Blomberg/; (finger with stitches) Erich Schrempp/Photo Researchers, Inc.; (blood vessels and tumor) Courtesy Children's Hospital Boston; (all illustrations) © WGBH Educational Foundation/Adapted from original illustration courtesy the Angiogenesis Foundation.

Ask the Expert
Image: (Marsha Moses) photo by Kris Snibbe/Harvard News Office, Courtesy Harvard Gazette; (Robert D'Amato) photo by Jon Chase/Courtesy Harvard Gazette

Asking Big Questions
Image: (Judah Folkman) © WGBH Educational Foundation

Audio: Judah Folkman audio courtesy Oberlin College; podcast produced by David Levin; music by The New You

Program Participants

Images: (all) © WGBH Educational Foundation

Production Credits

Phoenix Mars Lander

Edited by
Tony Breuer

Written, Produced and Directed by
Jonathan Grupper

Brain Trauma

Edited by
Nathan Hendrie

Produced and Directed by
Elizabeth Arledge

Mammoth Mystery

Edited by
Terry Hatch

Directed by
Kirk Wolfinger

Produced and Directed by
Gary Hochman

Profile: Judah Folkman

Edited by
Stephanie Munroe

Produced and Directed by
Nancy Linde

NOVA scienceNOW

Executive Producer
Samuel Fine

Executive Editor
Neil deGrasse Tyson

Senior Series Producer
Vincent Liota

Supervising Producers
Stephen Sweigart
Joey David

Editorial Producer
Julia Cort

Development Producer
Vinita Mehta

Senior Editor and Colorist
David Chmura

Online Editor
Laura Raimondo

Series Production Assistant
Fran Laks

Assistant Editors
Susan Perla
Tung-Jen (Sunny) Chiang

Brian Edgerton
Yunsik Noh 

Rob Morsberger

NOVA scienceNOW Series Animation

Additional Editing For Mammoth Mystery Segment
Gary Hochman

Additional Producing for Phoenix Mars Lander Segment
Joseph McMaster

Field Producer For Phoenix Mars Lander Segment
Anna Lee Strachan

Associate Producers
Fran Laks
Jonathan Loewald
Molly Longstreth
Alison Snyder

John Baynard
Brian Dowley
Joe Friedman
Tim Gibbons
Terry Hatch
Max Miller
Brian Seifferlein

Sound Recordists
John Cameron
Michael Cottrell
Bruce Engler
Tyler Lang
James M. Lenertz
Charlie Macarone
John O'Connor

Sound Mix
David Chmura

Scott Beachler
Thomas Floyd
Anthony Kraus
Sputnik Animation
James Laplante

Assistant Editors for Phoenix Mars Lander segment
Evelyn Carrigan
Tyler H. Walk

Production Assistant
Elizabeth Stachow

Three dimensional brain animation
Courtesy Dr. Arthur W. Toga, Laboratory of Neuro Imaging at UCLA

Archival Material
BBC Gallery
The Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives of The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Plimpton Collection, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University
Sveriges Television
Texas A&M University
University of Arizona
University of Nebraska State Museum

Special Thanks
John Beck
Children's Hospital Boston
Donald Edwards
Sara Hammond
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Trailside Museum

Neil deGrasse Tyson is director of the Hayden Planetarium in the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History.

NOVA scienceNOW Consortium Stations
Nebraska Educational Telecommunications, NET
Public Broadcasting for Northern California, KQED
Twin Cities Public Television, TPT
Wisconsin Public Television, WPT

NOVA Series Graphics
yU + co.

NOVA Theme Music
Walter Werzowa
John Luker
Musikvergnuegen, Inc.

Additional NOVA Theme Music
Ray Loring
Rob Morsberger

Post Production Online Editor
Spencer Gentry

Closed Captioning
The Caption Center

Carole McFall
Eileen Campion
Lindsay de la Rigaudiere
Victoria Louie
Kate Becker

Senior Researcher
Gaia Remerowski

Production Coordinator
Linda Callahan

Raphael Nemes
Sarah Erlandson

Talent Relations
Scott Kardel, Esq.
Janice Flood

Legal Counsel
Susan Rosen

Post Production Assistant
Darcy Forlenza

Associate Producer, Post Production
Patrick Carey

Post Production Supervisor
Regina O'Toole

Post Production Editors
Rebecca Nieto
Alex Kreuter

Post Production Manager
Nathan Gunner

Compliance Manager
Linzy Emery

Development Producer
Pamela Rosenstein

Business Manager
Joseph P. Tracy

Senior Producer and Project Director
Lisa Mirowitz

Coordinating Producer
Laurie Cahalane

Senior Science Editor
Evan Hadingham

Senior Series Producer
Melanie Wallace

Managing Director
Alan Ritsko

Senior Executive Producer
Paula S. Apsell

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0638931. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

NOVA scienceNOW is a trademark of the WGBH Educational Foundation

NOVA scienceNOW is produced for WGBH/Boston by NOVA

© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation

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