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Profile: Luis von Ahn: Links & Books


Games With a Purpose
Play some games and put your time to good use at the Games With a Purpose website, where you can be part of the crowd-sourced solution to the problem of labeling images and sounds on the Internet.

Luis von Blog
Can't get enough of von Ahn? Keep up with his daily musings at Luis's blogspot blog.

The Official CAPTCHA site
Learn all about the Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart. At this website, you can see some of the many ways that CAPTCHAs are used and take different types of CAPTCHA for a test-drive.

MacArthur Foundation 2006 Fellows{7D985462-610A-445A-B44A-6238715F94BC}¬oc=1
Luis von Ahn was awarded a prestigious MacArthur Fellowship soon after he became an assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University. See what the Foundation said about him at the MacArthur Fellowship website.


Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd Is Driving the Future of Business
by Jeff Howe. Crown Business, 2008.

Alan Turing: Life and Legacy of a Great Thinker
by Christof Teuscher. Springer, 2006.


"Luis von Ahn: The Pioneer of 'Human Computation'"
by Jessie Scanlon. Business Week, November 3, 2008.

"For Certain Tasks, the Coretx Still Beats the CPU"
by Clive Thompson. Wired, June 25, 2007.


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