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Saving Hubble Update: Links & Books


STS-125: The Final Visit
Learn about the final trip to the Hubble Space Telescope at NASA's official mission site.

NASA: The Hubble Space Telescope
On this NASA site, find information about all Hubble servicing missions and view details of the telescope's optical assembly.

A Brief History of the Hubble Space Telescope
Read an overview of Hubble's history and goals as provided by NASA.

Find recent news about the Hubble Space Telescope and download computer wallpaper, photos, and videos from this website hosted by the Space Telescope Science Institute.

The Hubble Heritage Project
Browse a gallery of cosmic images and view poems and artwork submitted by Hubble enthusiasts.

Space Telescope Science Institute
Check out this site for events hosted by the institute and to learn about the James Webb Space Telescope, NASA's next step in infrared optimized space imaging.


State of the Universe 2008: New Images, Discoveries, and Events
by Martin Ratcliffe. Praxis Publishing, 2008.

Hubble: The Mirror on the Universe
by Robin Kerrod and Carole Stott. Firefly Books, 2007.

Hubble Space Telescope: New Views of the Universe
by Mark Voit. Harry N. Adams, 2000.

Space Systems Failures: Disasters and Rescues of Satellites, Rockets and Space Probes
by David Harland and Ralph Lorenz. Praxis Publishing, 2005.


"Refurbishments Complete, Astronauts Let Go of Hubble"
by Dennis Overbye. The New York Times, May 19, 2009.

"Hubble Space Telescope Primer for Cycle 17"
From the Space Telescope Science Institute, December 2007.

"Hubble Mission: Big on Safety, Pressed for Time"
by Traci Watson. USA Today, April 20, 2008.

"The Hubble Space Telescope Optical Systems Failure Report"
by Allen Lew. NASA Technical Report NASA-TM-103443, 1990.


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