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arrow Twin Prime Conjecture

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Prime is the number
that is only divisible by itself and 1.
They have no other factors.
Though they may have their detractors,
they are kind of fun.

Cause they like to come in pairs
with a number in between,
just like 5 skip 7, 41 skip 43.
The name of our lecture
is the twin prime conjecture:
primes will pair into infinity.

Empirically we know
this pattern reappears
however high we count.
Will it keep on skipping just like this?
Or somewhere down the line
will it peter out?

Euclid first proposed this around 300 B.C.,
but no one's ever proved it
in all of history.

Well, this year Daniel Goldston
from the U of San José
says the pattern will continue
in this skippy kind of way.

They like to come in pairs
with a number in between:
11 skip 13, 101 skip 103.
The name of our lecture
is the twin prime conjecture:
primes will pair into infinity.

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