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January 9, 2007: Links & Books



HHMI Online Companion
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute offers an extensive collection of aging research resources in its online companion to this episode of NOVA scienceNOW.
More on HHMI and its partnership with NOVA

Healthy Aging for Older Adults
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides this extensive Web site on aging for older adults. Find information on healthy living, view medical statistics, and browse other online resources.

National Institute on Aging
This Web site from the National Institutes of Health offers information on current research into the biology of aging, behavioral and social aspects of old age, and more.

The Aging Research Center
On this Web site, learn about upcoming conferences on geriatrics research, read up on federally and privately supported clinical research, and find a list of online aging resources.

This Web site from the American Federation for Aging Research has information on the biology of aging, age-related diseases, and links to current research.

Genes and Longevity
This companion Web site to the National Public Radio series "The DNA Files" provides a number of links and other online resources related to longevity and aging.


by C. David Allis. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2006.

Ageless Quest: One Scientist's Search for Genes That Prolong Youth
by Lenny Guarente. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2002.

Aging at the Molecular Level: Biology of Aging and its Modulation
edited by T. von Zglinicki. Springer Books, 2003.


"A Conversation With Nir Barzilai; It's Not the Yogurt: Looking for Longevity Genes"
by Claudia Dreifus. The New York Times, February 24, 2004.

"The Quest For a Way Around Aging"
by Nicholas Wade. The New York Times, November 8, 2006.

Space Elevator


Space Elevator Games
On the official Web site of the Annual Space Elevator Games, find information on participating teams, view a photo gallery of past competitions, visit a blog written by the event's organizers, and more.

Space Elevator: Institute for Scientific Research
On this Web site, learn how the proposed space elevator might work and watch a computer animation of it in motion.
On this blog, find news, events, articles, essays, and discussion of all things related to the space elevator concept.

The Nanotube site
Explore the science of carbon nanotubes and find other nanotechnology resources on this Web site from Mississippi State University.

Nanotechnology Gallery
Browse a gallery of nanotechnology images on this NASA Web site.


The Space Elevator: A Revolutionary Earth-to-Space Transportation System
by Bradley C. Edwards and Eric A. Westling. BC Edwards, 2003.

Space Elevators: An Advanced Earth-space Infrastructure for the New Millennium
edited by D. V. Smitherman, Jr. University Press of the Pacific, 2006.

Non-Rocket Space Launch and Flight
by Alexander Bolonkin. Elsevier Science, 2006.


"To the Moon in a Space Elevator?"
by Steve Kettmann. Wired, February 4, 2003.



Proyecto San Bartolo
The well-designed official Web site of the San Bartolo project includes illustrated sections on the murals' discovery, research, conservation, and more.

The Early Maya Murals at San Bartolo
The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard offers a brief overview of the ancient Maya paintings found in San Bartolo, Guatemala.

NASA: Archeology
Learn about NASA fieldwork in remote-sensing archeology, find photos of Maya ruins from space, and more.

Courtly Art of the Ancient Maya
The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. offers an online exhibit of artwork from the ancient Maya culture.

The Mesoamerica Center at University at Texas Austin
This Web site highlights current research on ancient Mesoamerican cultures.

Maya Ruins
On this Web site, view an extensive number of digital photographs from Maya ruins in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras.


The Murals of San Bartolo, El Peten, Guatemala, Part 1: The North Wall
by William A. Saturno, Karl A. Taube, and David Stuart. Center for Ancient American Studies, 2005.

Ancient Maya: The Rise and Fall of a Rainforest Civilization
by Arthur Demarest. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Breaking the Maya Code
by Michael D. Coe. Thames & Hudson, 1999.

An Illustrated Dictionary of the Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya
by Mary Miller and Karl Taube. Thames & Hudson, 1997.


"Early Maya Writing at San Bartolo, Guatemala"
by William A. Saturno et al. Science, March 3, 2006.

"Preserved Mural Unearthed in Guatemala: Discovery Verifies Mayan Civilization 2,000 Years Ago"
by Guy Gugliotta. The Washington Post, December 14, 2005.

Profile: Bonnie Bassler


HHMI Online Companion
Read a summary of Bonnie Bassler's current research on the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Web site.
More on HHMI and its partnership with NOVA

The Bassler Lab
Find detailed information on current research and scientific publications from the Bassler Lab at Princeton University.

The Languages of Bacteria
On the Web site of the bioscience journal Genes and Development, read one of Bonnie Bassler's research papers on bacterial communication.

The Quorum Sensing Site
Find an introduction to the chemical "language" of bacteria on this site from the University of Nottingham, England.

The Bacterial Flora of Humans
This Web site from the University of Wisconsin provides photos and information on hundreds of bacteria species found on the human body.

Microbe World
On this Web site from the American Society for Microbiology, find information on many different types of microbes and bacteria.

Big Think—Bonnie Bassler
Hear more from Bonnie Bassler at her website on Big Think.


Cell-Cell Signaling in Bacteria
by Gary Dunny, Stephen Carlyle Winans, and Stephen C. Winans. ASM Press, 1999.

A Field Guide to Bacteria
by Betsey Dexter Dyer. Cornell University Press, 2003.

Molecular Genetics of Bacteria
by Larry Snyder and Wendy Champness. ASM Press, 2002.


"The Bacteria Whisperer"
by Steve Silberman. Wired, April 2003.

"A Biologist's Listening Guide to Bacteria"
by Richard Harris. All Things Considered, September 12, 2006.


Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation, a cofunder of this site.