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July 10, 2007: Links & Books



HHMI Online Companion
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute provides an extensive collection of resources on sleep and memory research in its online companion to this episode of NOVA scienceNOW.
More on HHMI and its partnership with NOVA

Sleep and Neuroimaging Lab
On the homepage of Matthew Walker's laboratory, find information about his lab's recent work on the relationship between sleep and memory.

Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep
Read a fact sheet on the study of sleep and sleep disorders on this Web page from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

National Sleep Foundation
Read articles on sleep disorders, find links to sleep centers and labs, browse interactive features, and more.

Society for Neuroscience Information for the General Public
This Web page from the Society for Neuroscience provides links to scientific publications and other resources in the field.

Sleep Research Online
This online journal offers scientific papers on all things sleep-related.


The Promise of Sleep
by William Dement and Christopher Vaughan. Delacorte Press, 1999.


"Sleep-Dependent Learning and Memory Consolidation"
by Matt Walker and Robert Stickgold. Neuron, 2004; 44: 121-133.

"Study Shows How Sleep Improves Memory"
Science Daily, June 29, 2005.

"Sleep Boosts Memory"
by Colin Allen. Psychology Today, Oct. 13, 2003.



CERN: The World's Largest Particle Physics Laboratory
CERN's official Web site offers news, time lines, photos, and other information about the world's largest particle accelerator and the various experiments that will soon begin taking place there.

LHC Machine Outreach
CERN's Web site has everything you need to know about the Large Hadron Collider. Take a guided tour, study its history, and access a live Webcam of the world's biggest machine.

Compact Muon Solenoid
CERN's Web site for the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment offers a detailed explanation of how subatomic particles are detected.

CERN: The Heart of the Matter
The Exploratorium's award-winning Web site explains why thousands of the world's particle physicists are going to such great lengths to discover the Higgs boson.

The Particle Adventure
The National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy attempt to answer a collection of very big questions (i.e., "what is the world made of?") through an illustrated step-through activity that is both fun and informative.

GridPP: UK Computing for Particle Physics
Particle physicists from CERN and computer scientists from the United Kingdom explain the Grid, a computing innovation that will process the huge amount of data produced by the Large Hadron Collider.


Deep Down Things: The Breathtaking Beauty of Particle Physics
by Roger Cashmore, Luciano Maiani, and Jean-Pierre Revol. Springer Books, 2004.

Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions
by Lisa Randall. Ecco Books, 2005.


"A Giant Takes On Physics' Biggest Questions"
by Dennis Overbye. The New York Times, May 15, 2007.

"Masters of the Universe"
by Robin McKie. The Observer, May 27, 2007.,,2087398,00.html



Steven Johnson on "Emergence"
Science author Steven Johnson discusses emergence in an interview with the O'Reilly Network. This is a good introduction to the concept for the uninitiated.

The Santa Fe Institute: Overview
The Santa Fe Institute, one of the foremost organizations studying emergence, offers a large collection of emergence resources on its Web site.

Complexity Society
The Complexity Society's Web site provides links to emergence articles and journals as well as information about emergence conferences and events worldwide.

Emergence: Complexity and Organization
Browse E:CO, an online journal published by the Complexity Society that features articles on emergence theory and its practical applications.

Boids in Chamonix
On this site from the Danish National Research Foundation, control a flock of birds to learn more about how the discrete actions of myriad individuals following simple rules can lead to complex behavior.

Wikipedia: Emergence
Still not sure exactly what emergence is? Check out Wikipedia's entry on the topic for more information and a list of links to other emergence sites.


Emergence: From Chaos to Order
by John Holland. Helix Books, 1998.

At Home in the Universe: The Search for Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity
by Stuart Kauffman. Oxford University Press, 1995.

Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software
by Steven Johnson. Scribner Publishing, 2001.

Profile: Julie Schablitsky


Julie Schablitsky: Current Research
Read about Julie Schablitsky's work with genetic archeology and the Donner Party on her personal Web site.

Donner Party Archaeology Project
Explore the Alder Creek site of the Donner Family camp on this Web page from the University of Montana's Donner Family Camp Project.

Society for Historical Archaeology
Learn how historical archeology can help shape our view of the past on this Web site edited by Kelly Dixon, Julie Schablitsky's research partner in the Donner Family Camp Project.

Digital History: Asian American Voices
On this Web site from the University of Houston, learn what life was like for early Chinese immigrants like those Schablitsky is researching in John Day, Oregon.

American Experience: The Donner Party
On this companion Web site to the American Experience program "The Donner Party," read excerpts from a Donner Party survivor's journal and trace a map of the group's arduous journey.


The Cambridge Companion to Historical Archaeology
edited by Dan Hicks and Mary Beaudry. Cambridge University Press, 2006.

History of the Donner Party, a Tragedy of the Sierra
by Charles Fayette McGlashan. Hard Press, 2006.


"Excavating the Donner Party"
by Dana Goodyear. The New Yorker, April 17, 2006.

"Archaeological Detectives Reopen the Case of the Donner Party"
by Eric Bailey. The Seattle Times, April 30, 2005.


Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation, a cofunder of this site.