Meet the Bionic Woman

  • By Rima Chaddha
  • Posted 07.01.08
  • NOVA scienceNOW

In this interactive, hear from roboticist Yoky Matsuoka about what makes her lab's bionic hand stand out, why science fiction helps her explain what she does for a living, what her MacArthur "genius" grant means to her, and more.

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Hear from roboticist Yoky Matsuoka about her lab's bionic hand, why John McEnroe was her childhood idol, and more.


Original interview produced by
Josh Seftel


Courtesy Yoky Matsuoka

Related Links

  • Profile: Yoky Matsuoka

    A former tennis prodigy aims to create advanced prosthetic limbs controlled by human thought.

  • Bionic Woman

    In this interview, roboticist Yoky Matsuoka explains her work, her life, and why her role models have a lot of attitude.

  • Yoky Matsuoka: Expert Q&A

    Yoky Matsuoka answers questions about her life, her work in the field of neurobotics, and more.

  • Meet James McLurkin

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