Hear From Luis von Ahn

  • By Susan K. Lewis
  • Posted 04.01.09
  • NOVA scienceNOW

At his lab at Carnegie Mellon University, computer scientist Luis von Ahn and his students are developing games to help make the Web more search-friendly and solve other big problems. Listen in as von Ahn describes how he develops a new game, how he knows that it's fun, and more.

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The computer scientist behind CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA talks about his Games With a Purpose.


Original interview produced by
Josh Seftel


© WGBH Educational Foundation

Related Links

  • Profile: Luis von Ahn

    A computer scientist finds novel ways to stop spammers and harness the brainpower of millions of people.

  • Games With a Purpose

    Luis von Ahn explains the higher purpose of his computer games, the downside of being a MacArthur "genius," and more.

  • Luis von Ahn: Expert Q&A

    CAPTCHA inventor Luis von Ahn answers questions about his life and work.

  • Profile: Karl Iagnemma

    An innovative MIT roboticist is also an acclaimed fiction writer.


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