GUEST: Well, this was from my grandmother's house and, uh, she gave it to me. I always enjoyed it as a child. I enjoyed looking at the details. But I don't know where she got it.
APPRAISER: All right, this is an artist by the name of Petrus van Schendel. He was born in Belgium. This is a beautiful interior and it's signed and dated down here, 1847. I value this painting at a minimum of $25,000. It could go as high as $40,000 to $50,000. It's a magnificent work and you're very lucky to have it. You look surprised. (chuckling) Well, it's like winning the lottery as you know.
APPRAISER: So, at any rate, great painting. You don't want to... (gasps)
STAGE MANAGER: (feigns crying) Wait, wait a minute. Wait, my turn first. (laughing) Wait, hold it. Here, take two.
APPRAISER: That's cute.
GUEST: (continuing to laugh) Thank you.
STAGE MANAGER: Hold still in your position. Stay that way, please, sir. Thank you.
APPRAISER: They're going to put that on tape.
GUEST: Oh, no…
APPRAISER: Oh, yeah.