GUEST: Well, a friend of mine in Virginia was cleaning out her attic, and she came across this. And she was an elderly lady. And I said, "Oh, that's so different." And she said, "Well, you can have it-- it's a jewelry box." She said, "I don't know where it came from, I can't remember, but you're welcome to it." And that was seven years ago, and the lady is now deceased, so here I am with it.
APPRAISER: It's certainly different. Have you ever had it appraised or looked at by anyone?
APPRAISER: Do you have any idea where it's from or anything about it?
GUEST: Other than coming from Virginia-- she must... It must have come from Russia or somewhere, because it has a foreign language written...
APPRAISER: Okay, inside here, it has an inscription in Cyrillic, and a date, 1912. And in fact, it is Russian, and it's by a very famous Russian silversmith named Khlebnikov, who was... Some people think he's as good as Fabergé, in some cases. This is silver in the old Russian style. It has enamel bosses, it's set with cabochon heart stones. It's got wonderful figural motifs-- double-headed eagle. And it opens in two places-- here, and then again for bigger pieces. And it has a beautiful brocade interior. It's marked on the edge here with the maker's mark. Do you have any idea what something like this could be worth?
GUEST: I have no idea.
APPRAISER: Well, at auction, this would probably bring between $10,000 and $15,000.
GUEST: Oh, my God.