GUEST: We received it from my wife's aunt, who lives in New Jersey. It was in her aunt's estate, and she passed it on to us.
APPRAISER: How long ago was that?
GUEST: Probably about 20 years ago.
APPRAISER: Do you know how she got it, how it came to her?
GUEST: Her husband worked in New York. I understand he was friends with people in the Field and Stream office. Beyond that, I would really have no idea.
APPRAISER: Well, you mentioned Field and Stream. Lynn Bogue Hunt was an illustrator. He was born in 1878 and lived to about 1960, and he lived out in Long Island and illustrated for books, duck stamps, and magazine covers, including Saturday Evening Post and Field and Stream, which this one is a cover for Field and Stream. Do you know when it was?
GUEST: I would assume sometime in the '40s. I looked on the internet several times, but I have not seen a copy of it.
APPRAISER: We did have a chance to take a quick peek, and it's January 1942. This is sort of a perfect storm of a Lynn Bogue Hunt for what you want from him. It's in good condition and it's oil on canvas. It's a Field and Stream cover, which is as good as Saturday Evening Post. It's sort of the Saturday Evening Post for the sporting set. And you have the right dogs, and you have the right birds. You have an English setter and an English pointer. These are bobwhite quail. On the back, there's a couple of notes there that this was from a Long Island manufacturer of the stretcher, and a little bit of Field and Stream label is still left attached to it. This is about as good as it gets. We try to be conservative when we estimate things for auctions, but I would estimate this at $20,000 to $30,000.
APPRAISER: And his works have...
GUEST: Gone up, yeah.
APPRAISER: To at least six figures.
GUEST: (laughing) Kind of floors me. I didn't realize it would be that much.