APPRAISER: Mayor Menino, we are so excited to have you here at the Antiques Roadshow. You couldn't have brought more of a native son painting. The painting is by Aldro Hibbard. He was born in Falmouth, grew up in Dorchester, went to the Museum School in Boston, then he taught at Boston University, taught art at Boston University, and then was one of the founders of the Rockport Art Association. So he's been all over our area. How did the city come by the painting?
GUEST: The painting was found at the Mather School in Dorchester, the oldest elementary school in America. It was found there in the attic, and we found it one day, and a woman who worked for me says, "Mayor, we got this beautiful painting. Would you have it at the Parkman House?" And that's where it's been hanging for the last several years.
APPRAISER: And the Parkman House is the official...
GUEST: The official residence of the city of Boston of the Mayor. It's a house the Parkman family gave to the city of Boston in the early 1900s.
APPRAISER: In terms of the style, Aldro Hibbard was a post-impressionist. He summered in Rockport, but he spent the winters in Vermont, so this in fact is a Vermont winter scene. He was fairly prolific and best known for his winter scenes. There was an article in the Boston Globe in 1918 saying that, "Some artists paint snow, and it's just white paint. Aldro Hibbard paints snow, and it's snow." And you can see the beautiful delineation of the blues and the greens and all the highlights of the painting that he really understands how to capture the colors and the light. It really comes from the high point of his career. It is mid-career, and he is at the top of his game. Have you ever had the painting appraised for the city?
GUEST: Never had it appraised before.
APPRAISER: Beautiful painting, framed under glass. That has kept the painting in very good condition and is quite clean, doesn't need any restoration. And a beautiful, hand-carved frame. For insurance, I would think that we would value the piece at between $45,000 and $50,000.
GUEST: Wow. $45,000 and $50,000, huh?
GUEST: That's pretty good. We're going to keep it at the Parkman House and show the public what a beautiful painting we have.
APPRAISER: It's a great gift to the city. Thank you for bringing it in.
GUEST: Thank you.