GUEST: When I was 15, a bunch of girlfriends and I went to the Beatles concert. I was babysitting at 50 cents an hour for many, many weeks to get this ticket. So it was like a two-hour trip to get to Queens, and when we got there, I went in my wallet to get my ticket, and I discovered I had left my ticket at home.
APPRAISER: So no Beatles for you.
GUEST: So no Beatles for me. My girlfriends went on to see the concert, and I had to go with their father to a friend's house and watch TV.
APPRAISER: And then you heard about it the whole way home.
GUEST: And I heard about it for months.
APPRAISER: This one's great because it's never been torn, unfortunately for a bad reason, that you didn't make it, because you left it at home. But a stub would be probably $50 to $60, and the full ticket right now is around $200 to $300.
GUEST: Great!
APPRAISER: So the only ticket that's now selling more than this is also Beatles, and it's the Shea Stadium concert in '64, and it's only because they have their picture on the ticket.
GUEST: And how many people forgot their tickets?
APPRAISER: You're probably one of the few.
GUEST: So it'll go back up on my wall.