GUEST: Well, I brought in a letter from Robert F. Kennedy. Rather poignant letter, because it was just shortly before he was assassinated. This was shortly after the death of Dr. King. I was very, very interested in civil rights. I was very affected by the death of Dr. King, and I knew that Robert F. Kennedy was doing a lot of work for civil rights, and so I wrote to him, telling him how much I was affected, and how much had to still be done for civil rights.
APPRAISER: It seems to me that you must have written a very poignant letter to get such a poignant letter back from R.F.K. I probably have not seen a Robert Kennedy letter as heartfelt as this one, not only talking about the tragic death of Dr. King, but also his interest in civil rights and civil rights legislation. At one point, he does write in the letter, "I believe that the time for bold and imaginative action is now. We must not delay efforts to eliminate the deprivation and alienation of the ghetto, and must take steps to ensure that Negro Americans and other victims of poverty in the United States have an adequate diet, improved education, opportunities for employment, and decent housing." It's a beautiful letter. You've kept it in wonderful condition. Usually, a Robert Kennedy letter wouldn't have a great deal of value. Because of the nature, the content of this letter, I would suggest auction estimates of $2,000 to $3,000 for this letter.