APPRAISER: This belonged to my godfather, who was an art collector. He was a bachelor until he was 62. So he had a little money to spend on artwork. And when he got older, he started giving away his stuff. He asked me to pick something, and I picked this one because I've been a dancer for most of my life and I always loved this painting. I'd like to know a little bit about its value, but I want to make sure that my children don't just give it away to the Salvation Army when I pass.
APPRAISER: Fair enough. Well, I think that would be terrible if they did give it to the Salvation Army. Unless, of course, the Salvation Army knew what it was they had been given.
GUEST: Right.
APPRAISER: It's a work by Alexander Archipenko. And it's a work executed in gouache, pastel, and pencil on paper, which is what we would generally refer to as mixed media. And as far as the date goes, I think it was probably done in the late '30s. And he was known to do works in this type of media with this subject matter around then. Value-wise, at auction, I think it's worth in the neighborhood of $20,000 to $40,000.
GUEST: Okay, okay. Very good.