GUEST: Well, about ten or 12 years ago I was in the scout office in Abilene. A lady came in the office, says there's some really neat posters at a garage sale tomorrow. I called a friend of mine and said, "Go to that sale and see if you can buy those posters," and he did. That's how I came by them.
APPRAISER: And how much did you pay for them through him?
GUEST: $100 for all five of them.
APPRAISER: Probably the most famous of all Boy Scout posters was done by Norman Rockwell. These are lesser artists, but I still think they're pretty good. I don't know how much you know about the value of Boy Scout material. But honestly, Boy Scout material is not the highest priced items within the collecting community, largely because there's so much of it out there.
GUEST: Right.
APPRAISER: Among Boy Scout collectors, I think they would sell for less. It needs to be an auction that's publicized for general poster collectors. To them, just the wholesome, American images. That one is actually a reproduction. It's probably worth $15 or $20. The other ones, I would say each one of these is worth about $100 to $125. So all told, I think a pretty good return on your blind $100 investment.
GUEST: Well, I think it's pretty good myself.