GUEST: I inherited it from my late husband. The only thing I know about it, it was acquired at the Chicago World's Fair. For the past 22 years, it's been in my closet. It doesn't go with my décor.
APPRAISER: This is a perfect example of the kind of craftsmanship that somebody would have shown at the World's Fair in 1893. It was made in a, probably a semi-factory setting, but a lot of the work was done by hand. I could see that being $2,000 or $3,000 in a high-end retail store.
GUEST: Mm-hmm. I have no idea about the value at all. I know when my granddaughters were young, uh, and come to stay with me, I told them, "You behave or you're going to sit in the devil chair."
APPRAISER: (laughs)
GUEST: And they'd go, "Oh, Grammy, not the devil chair!" (both laughing) To this day, we call it the devil chair.
APPRAISER: Well, that face is kind of mean-looking.
GUEST: (laughing) It is.