GUEST: I went to an antique consignment store, and I found this. I was attracted to this. I check it, and I did not buy it, I left. A week after, I came back, and I got it. My problem only is, I don't know how to read Chinese. So I talked to at least seven people. They says, "Oh"-- that's all they can say.
APPRAISER: This is modeled on an old Chinese bronze form...
GUEST: Okay.
APPRAISER: ...that was made as a food vessel for a wealthy official to be buried with him when he died.
GUEST: Oh, my God!
APPRAISER: So that he would have food in the afterlife.
GUEST: Okay.
APPRAISER: Now, this original form, called a Fu bronze...
GUEST: Uh-huh.
APPRAISER: ...was made between the seventh century B.C....
GUEST: Was it?
APPRAISER: ...and the third century B.C. Now, this piece is a later copy.
GUEST: Okay.
APPRAISER: This is what the inscription tells you on the cover here. It also has other information that I have not been able to translate yet.
APPRAISER: But it actually even has the name of the vessel that it imitated as part of the inscription.
GUEST: My goodness.
APPRAISER: The date says "made in the 12th year of the reign of the Emperor Tongzhi," which translates to 1873. What did you pay for it?
GUEST: I paid $25 plus tax.
APPRAISER: $25 plus tax.
GUEST: Yes, yes.
APPRAISER: This, five years ago, would have brought very little.
GUEST: Uh-huh.
APPRAISER: But now with the Chinese market...
APPRAISER: the big boom that it's in...
GUEST: Mm-hmm.
APPRAISER: ...this piece on the current market would carry a pre-sale estimate of $7,000 to $10,000.
GUEST: You're kidding! You're kidding, I can hardly believe that!
GUEST: Oh, my God!
APPRAISER: For a $25 investment?
GUEST: $25 investment.
APPRAISER: You did a great job.
GUEST: Oh, thank you!