APPRAISER: It was commissioned for the owner of Dan Patch, a Marion Savage. A hundred years ago, Dan Patch was the Babe Ruth, the Michael Jordan, the Tiger Woods of athletes. He started racing. He was a pacer horse, you know, in 1900. Did you know that he won every race he ever entered from 1900 to 1902? He was an amazing horse. And that year, he was bought by Marion Savage. And Dan Patch bore him out, because Marion Savage purchased him for $60,000, three years later turned down $180,000, and was rewarded in 1906 when Dan Patch-- right near you, at the fairgrounds-- set a world record, running a mile in just a minute, 55 seconds. I'm going to put an auction value of $6,000 to $8,000. But if I were you and going to insure it, I'd insure it for $10,000, because it is unique.
GUEST: Okay.