GUEST: My father loved to hunt and fish, and he used to go out on Lake Erie. I believe he started it only a few times. I don't know that he ever used it, though.
APPRAISER: Have you ever heard the name Evinrude?
GUEST: I have heard my father mention Evinrude before, yes.
APPRAISER: Okay, well, the guy that started Evinrude got sick and sold the Evinrude name to somebody else. And came up with this name, ELTO: Evinrude Light Twin Outboard. He came back strong after he got his health back. And it's so unusual, because in a small fishing boat, you move the whole motor.
GUEST: Right.
APPRAISER: But with this, you only move the rudder.
GUEST: Oh, okay.
APPRAISER: But these were very reliable. They were easy to start. This is probably sometime in the '20s. This is a great piece of American technology. And to me, it's just as exciting as a piece of furniture or a piece of folk art. And if you... When you get this home, you should insure this for $1,200 to $1,500.
GUEST: Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Well, that's surprising, it's shocking.