GUEST: My dad had a band, and I sang with the band when I was 16 years old. And he would open for quite a few of the Grand Ole Opry stars as they did their touring, so we got to meet these people. And my mother was pretty gutsy, and she would come backstage, and she would talk to these stars, and they would sign her tablecloth. This was in the late '50s, early '60s. And she embroidered over them. There are friends on here, there are neighbors on here, but there are these wonderful, wonderful Grand Ole Opry people who are no longer with us. Some of them are, but most of them aren't.
APPRAISER: There are a couple of signatures that I would like to point out that are friends I would like to have had at the Grand Ole Opry. Loretta Lynn and Ray Price. Did you sing with Ray?
APPRAISER: And would you show us this, the extra-special one? Non-musical, but special.
GUEST: On this end, we have Richard Nixon. My dad was also a politician, and when Nixon was campaigning for the presidency, he came to St. Joseph, Missouri. My dad was able to be on the stage with him, and my mother marched right up there, too, with her tablecloth. And the local newspaper had her photo in the paper holding her tablecloth standing by Richard Nixon. My dad was nowhere in the picture. (chuckling)
APPRAISER: This tablecloth is a very special piece of history. If you were to insure this, it would be between $600 and $800.
GUEST: Oh, my goodness, I never thought that much, not in... not in a hundred years.