GUEST: She was my great- grandmother's doll, um, and then it was given to my grandmother, and then I inherited it. I always liked it when I was little, and it sat in a china cabinet, but she never let me play with it.
APPRAISER: What else do you know about her?
GUEST: Um, that she's a Simon Halbig character doll. I've looked in several books, but I can't find any information about her, about that mold number.
GUEST: So, yeah.
APPRAISER: Okay, and where was your grandmother from?
GUEST: Um, she was born in Houghton, Michigan, and that's where the doll would have been purchased.
APPRAISER: Well, you had a couple of questions from you earlier on...
GUEST: Okay.
APPRAISER: ...about her hands.
GUEST: Yes. Are these original hands do you know?
GUEST: And what are they made of?
APPRAISER: Uh, it's composition. Her body is actually wood and composition.
GUEST: Oh, okay.
APPRAISER: You know, somebody at some point in time has, has done some repaint on them. Now, that can be taken off carefully if you know what you're doing, but I wouldn't want you to do it.
GUEST: Yeah.
APPRAISER: It'd be professionally done.
GUEST: Okay.
APPRAISER: It's got a beautiful face, great mouth, great eyes. And it is a Simon Halbig doll.
GUEST: Okay.
APPRAISER: And it's also a Handwerck doll. If I spin her around and I take her hair off, on the back, you see "Heinrich Handwerck, Simon Halbig," and then "160." 160 is her mold number for her face.
GUEST: Okay.
APPRAISER: The Heinrich Handwerck, they made the body.
GUEST: Oh, okay.
APPRAISER: And there'll be a mark on her body saying "Heinrich Handwerck."
GUEST: Uh-huh, Okay.
APPRAISER: The head is made by Simon Halbig.
GUEST: Okay.
APPRAISER: And it's from their character doll series.
GUEST: Oh, okay.
APPRAISER: Made probably around 1910. Now, I've sold thousands and thousands of dolls over the years since I was a little kid.
GUEST: Uh-huh.
APPRAISER: I've only ever once seen a 160 before.
GUEST: Oh, wow. (laughs)
APPRAISER: So she's a little bit unusual.
GUEST: Yeah?
APPRAISER: I would say your doll, size, quality, is probably, in a good doll show, probably $4,000 to $5,000.
GUEST: Oh, wow. (laughs): I had no idea.
APPRAISER: So you inherited a really, really nice doll.
GUEST: ( laughs): Yeah. Thank you very much.
APPRAISER: I'm going to put her hair back on now.
GUEST: Okay. (laughs)
APPRAISER: And spin her around...
GUEST: Okay.
APPRAISER: Oop, a little disheveled there.
GUEST: (laughs)
APPRAISER: The wig may be a replacement from the 1930s.
GUEST: Okay.
APPRAISER: The dress is probably a child's dress, a baby dress...
GUEST: Okay.
APPRAISER: Also from that same era. If you found a period outfit...
GUEST: Okay.
APPRAISER: would probably add another couple of hundred dollars to her value.
GUEST: Oh, okay, I see.